
Ukraine’s Climate Strategy
2019 was the second hottest year on record globally since recordkeeping began back in 1881. In Ukraine, it was the hottest year on record. These events have caused a shift in the way Ukrainians view the dangers of climate change, and the climate strike in Kyiv in 2019...

Ukraine Citizens Tested for Coronavirus
With fears about the Wuhan-originating coronavirus spreading around the world, more and more countries are taking steps to identify ill people and stop them from transmitting the infection to others. Ukraine is the one of the latest countries to announce that they are...

Ukraine Decided Against Regulating Crypto Mining
Cryptocurrency has become a significant part of the world's finances, which means that governments are paying close attention to it. That sort of attention often leads to new regulations, but that is not always the case. The Ukrainian government recently announced...

Ukrainian E-Bike Producer Expands to Mexico
Delfast, a Ukrainian e-bike manufacturer has inked a deal with the Mexicali police force to provide that agency's officers with e-bikes. This isn't Delfast's first venture into international markets. Since the company pivoted from delivery services to e-bike...

Agricultural Reform in Ukraine
Ukraine has seen a variety of broken agricultural records and new reforms. 2019 led to a record crop of grain and oilseed. Exports are booming. The government also ended their monopoly on alcohol production, and liquidated the country’s Ministry of Agrarian Policy and...

Ukraine’s Recent Population Count
Back in 2001, a Ukrainian census was taken which revealed that almost 48.5 million people were living in the country. During the latest census, released on December 1, 2019, the number of residents fell to 37,289,000. Since its 28-year independence, the country...

Ukrainian Proverbs
Every culture has a lot of stories, folk wisdom and other knowledge to pass on. Ukrainian culture is no exception to this rule. As the world focuses on Ukraine and its implications for the US Presidential race, it's a good time to reflect on the culture. Many of these...

Ukraine’s Booming Poultry Industry
Ukraine is generally in the news for political and military reasons, not its economy. However, these factors are of course intertwined. Until about 2013, this country's most important trading partner was Russia. These days, things have changed. Political events caused...

Transportation Options In Ukraine
There are many options available for travelers to get around in the Eastern European country of Ukraine. Travelers can opt to use public transportation such as buses, trams, and metros in the big cities. Taxis are available in some areas, and there is also the option...

Overview of the Largest Cities in Ukraine
Kyiv As of 2019, the total population of Ukraine is 42,101,650 people, representing 0.55% of the global population and making Ukraine #33 overall for largest population. Kyiv (also spelled Kiev), Ukraine's capital, is unsurprisingly the nation's most populous...